
PENGUIN bis interface / adapter extern for use of AT/USB Keyboards with ZX Spectrum

Item number VAR1770

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PENGUIN is a keyboard interface for the ZX Spectrum. It supplies the Spectrum with an additional port to connect PC AT-keyboards. It works with Spectrum 16k, 48k and 48k+. Mainly it is thought for using on Rubber-key Spectrums.

With an AT/USB Adapter even USB-keyboards can get connected. Such an adapter is not included, but you can still buy it. But still not every keyboard might work, there are differences which makes it incompabtible. However, as easier the keyboards is, as better the chance that it will work.


CAUTION: When the PENGUIN is connected, you cannot use the normal Spectrum keyboard.

The interface will be connected to the Spectrum rear port, there are no changes of the hardware needed.

Attention: The previous model used !RDFE signal ( RD, A0, IORQ from the Z80 processor). The jumper 0R is preset like this (right). Tests have shown that sometimes it is better to use the IOULA signal, so the jumper must be set to the left.



Technical details:

  • NoWait version
  • Additional buttons F11,F12
  • Reset - PrScr
  • CapsShift - Shift (works really as on PC!)
  • SymbolShift - Ctrl
  • NumLock changes cursor keys and space to Sinclair Joystick 2